In the picture: Beverly Kaayak (left) and Alma Itkilik (right). Also mentioned but not pictured are Detrick Mamgark, Willie Kadjuk, Ian Joey Amarook, Loranda Kadjuk, Sabrina Nakoolak, Keith Chartrand, Alexandre Gelinas, and Gino Ouellet. 

Agnico Eagle is delighted to provide an update on an exciting initiative at our Meadowbank Complex mine site. The Flex Drivers Program, a collaborative endeavor between our Open Pit and Underground operations, was established to offer comprehensive training and ensure a greater number of individuals are proficient in underground operations.

The Flex Drivers Program has been a resounding success, enabling Underground Mine Operations to maintain safe and efficient mining during the vacation periods. We are proud to announce the addition of 10 new drivers to the Flex Drivers Program. These individuals, initially from the Open Pit, have undergone over 1,000 hours of rigorous training.

Recently, these drivers have commenced operating underground trucks independently, following a month of shadowing experienced drivers. In just one weekend, they successfully moved over 2,500 tonnes of underground material without any injuries—a remarkable achievement equivalent to a full day of production.

This initiative, part of the underground action plan, was conceived to ensure driver availability, enhance productivity, and continuously improve the mine’s operations. It also aligns seamlessly with our commitment to training, employment, and the prioritization of health and safety.

“When we launched this program, we received over 100 applications for 10 available positions. We are proud to announce that out of the drivers selected, 7 of them are Inuit candidates and have successfully completed the training and are now working as Open Pit Flex Drivers. These individuals, who previously had skills on the surface, are now trained to work underground. Their motivation and eagerness to develop new skills have been truly inspiring.”

Gabriel Lefebvre, Mine Open Pit Superintendent at Meadowbank Complex

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Underground, Open Pit and Training teams and the newly minted Open Pit Flex Drivers for their dedication to safety and collaboration. We look forward to continuing this program in the future.