
Nunavut Procurement and Tendering

Agnico Eagle promotes and supports sustainable economic development for the benefit of the greatest number of Inuit, with priority being given firstly to the affected communities, then the other Kivalliq communities.

Effective, ongoing partnerships with Inuit Firms and communities in the Kivalliq region are important for the successful development and operations of our projects. Agnico Eagle has established clear principles that guide our approach to procurement, which are designed to enhance opportunities for Inuit Firms and communities to benefit from our projects.

Please read below for the pre-qualification and tendering process of all contracts. Please note that all Inuit Firms who wish to apply for a contract must meet the pre-qualification requirements and be approved by Agnico Eagle Mines.

Agnico Eagle Nunavut Procurement Process

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have been pre-qualified to Agnico Eagle before submitting an expression of interest. Click on each step below to download and fill the forms. You must complete all forms below and send to strategic.procurement@agnicoeagle.com in order to pre-qualify. Question? Refer to FAQ section below.

Frequently asked questions

What are the requirements to be pre-qualified?2023-02-01T17:14:50+00:00

Companies are pre-qualified for contracts depending on the category and size, and they are evaluated based on the companies:

  • Experience
  • Management experience
  • Technical and financial capacity
  • Health, safety and environmental performance history
  • Human resources
  • Equipment and assets
  • Past performance on other projects.


Why do I have to complete the New Categories List?2018-03-26T20:26:08+00:00

The New categories list helps us pinpoint the services and supplies that your company can provide to Agnico Eagle.  It is your responsibilities to identify the categories you want to be pre-qualified for that best fit your organization skills.


Why do we have to complete all the Pre-qualification forms?2018-03-26T20:20:32+00:00

By completing the forms, Agnico Eagle will have a better understanding of your company and be able to invite you for tenders fitting your profile. You need to identify which (discipline/type of contact/category) you want to pre-qualify for and are able to provide the service. Agnico will then evaluate the capacity of your business to supply or service us according to our criteria (financial capacity, quantity and type of equipment, team in place, dealer/distributors) and make a fully informed decision as per Schedule B section 5.6 in the IIBA.


Why should I pre-qualify?2018-03-26T20:19:29+00:00

Agnico Eagle strives, where feasible, to buy from locally based suppliers as a way of supporting the economic vitality of our communities. Local suppliers must meet the same criteria that all potential suppliers must meet in order to do business with our Company.


Do I need to be an authorized distributor/dealer?2018-03-26T20:18:51+00:00

Yes, certain goods and equipment require to be sold by an authorized distributor/dealer. All documents certifying that you are an authorized distributor/dealer should be sent with your pre-qualification forms.


Can I request a review of my application?2018-03-26T20:18:16+00:00

As mentioned in the Schedule B article 5.8 of the IIBA you can send a notice to AEM requesting a review of your pre-qualification status.


What is the Pre-Qualification Coordinator role?2018-03-26T20:16:52+00:00

The Pre-Qualification Coordinator role is to assist and answer all questions Inuit businesses may have regarding processes and forms. The Coordinator is evaluating and notifying the bidders on the results. He also has the responsibility to make sure all NTI firms are treated with respect and fairness throughout the process, and ensure all suppliers are registered to the WSCC and guide them through the process if it is not the case.


Who should I contact if I do have questions regarding pre-qualification?2022-07-11T17:55:36+00:00

You can contact the Pre-Qualification Coordinator, Katherine Kelly. Here is how you can contact her:

Who should I contact to make a formal complaint?2018-04-03T19:55:26+00:00

File a complaint to our Nunavut Community Complaints System: tusaajugut@agnicoeagle.com

Who should I contact if I have any questions regarding business?2018-04-03T19:36:46+00:00

You can reach us by sending an email to strategic.procurement@agnicoeagle.com


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