November 22, 2020
Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (“Agnico Eagle” or the “Company”) is providing an update on the COVID-19 situation in Nunavut and the measures the Company has been taking to help our neighbours in these unprecedented times.
Update on the COVID-19 Situation in Nunavut
The Government of Nunavut has announced that beginning on Wednesday, November 18th, the Territory was implementing a mandatory, territory-wide restriction period for two weeks. This is in response to the high number of COVID-19 cases recently reported in the Kivalliq region and an effort to limit the further spread of the virus.
Nunavut managed to go almost eight months without having a single case of COVID-19 reported in the Territory. Unfortunately, this changed on November 6th when the first case was reported, and has since increased to more than 120 cases as of November 22.
At present, the newly implemented restrictions have not impacted Agnico Eagle’s operations at our Meadowbank Complex and Meliadine mine, or our exploration activities in Nunavut, as we are operating in complete isolation from the communities with a strict no-contact policy. In addition to our strict no-contact policy, we have implemented robust safety and prevention measures, including laboratories at Val-d’Or, Meliadine and the Meadowbank Complex that can test for COVID-19, providing an extra layer of protection for our employees and the local communities.
Measures taken by Agnico
Beginning in March, Agnico Eagle took measures to isolate its Nunavut operations from local communities with the aim of minimizing any risk of the virus spreading to these communities. As part of these isolation protocols, designed to reduce the risk to the people of Nunavut, the Company sent all of its Nunavut based work force (employees and contractors) home from the Meliadine and Meadowbank operations as well as the exploration projects. Agnico Eagle employees still at home have been receiving 75% of their base pay.
The Company has instituted a number of additional protocols to ensure the continued safety of its employees and the communities.
These include:
• Isolation of the mine sites from the communities
• All employees are on site on a voluntary basis
• We have implemented three testing facilities – Val-d’Or, Meliadine mine and Meadowbank Complex – that can test for COVID-19
• Increased screening measures for all employees before flying to site
• All employees and contractors are tested for COVID-19 prior to boarding the planes and placed in isolation on site until the test results are received
• In addition, both sites have implemented re-testing of employees five days into their rotation to detect people that may have been recently exposed, and the disease was in incubation at time of arrival
Support to our Neighbours
Agnico Eagle has been quick to respond with assistance and support to the communities impacted by COVID-19. Beyond increased safety and isolation protocols, the Company has continued to support the local communities during this difficult time and we are in constant communication with local authorities to understand the community-based priorities and to identify the needs of the communities to ensure we provide support where it is most needed.
“While these recent events have been challenging for the people of Nunavut, we are proud of the help we have been able to provide to our neighbours. This is a great example of how mining is essential to our collective response – when we are operating on the ground with full capabilities we can provide rapid and effective assistance, whether it be logistical, financial or much needed supplies” says Martin Plante, Agnico Eagle’s Vice President Operations – Nunavut.
Early in the pandemic, the Company provided support that included:
• Hampers containing food and other essential supplies distributed to families in need in seven communities
• Hygiene, medical and PPE supplies were sent to Rankin Inlet, Baker Lake, Coral Harbour, Chesterfield, Arviat and Whale Cove
• Financially supporting local radio stations in Baker Lake and Rankin Inlet to allow them to maintain essential communication services
• Working with communities to find innovative ways to use the Nunavut-based employees to support local projects that will have positive social impacts
More recently, as cases were first reported in the Territory and the new restriction measures put in place, the Company has increased its efforts to provide support that has included:
• On November 12th, Rankin Inlet requested assistance from Agnico Eagle in removing snow from roads to help residents access their cabins to more easily self-isolate during the restriction period
o On November 13th, snow removal was completed by the Meliadine E&I team at Tent City, 2nd Landing Lake and Elder’s Cabin while respecting the no-contact protocol
o Agnico Eagle provided financial support for equipment rental and manpower for other sectors that the Company could not access
• The Company is providing food hampers to every household in some communities. These baskets will encourage and make it easier for families to self-isolate at home during the restriction period.
• The Company is providing PPE and other supplies to all seven communities of the Kivalliq region, including:
o 15,000 surgical masks
o 15,000 reusable masks
o 400 litres of hand sanitizer
o 20 hand sanitizing stations
o 500 eye protection glasses
o Wipes and sanitizing liquid
• The Company has donated materials to support mask making by local seamstresses
The Company remains ready to provide additional assistance as may be requested by local authorities in order to address the individual needs of each community.